SPACE OPERA, written in 1998 by Cambridge Massachusetts composer David Bass, is based on a familiar science fiction tale of heroes and villains, robots and aliens, unlikely adventures and supernatural nonsense. This light-hearted, musically sophisticated opera draws on a variety of popular and classical styles appeals audiences of all ages. Performances were 2pm and 7pm on Saturday, March 12th and 19th and 2pm on Sunday, March 13th and 20th, 2005 at the King Open School, in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
See Space Opera Videos clips on the Boston Globe web site!
All photographs © Jon Chomitz
Show 6, Kathy Lindsay as Leia, Tess Carney as Rebel 2, Sarah
Schnebly as C-3PO, Mirabel Winston as R2-D2 plus Rebels.
Show 4 Jawas, including (from left) front row:
Linda Chin Workman, Cynthia Cepeda, Lucy Farnsworth, Sophia Gottlieb,
Charlotte Barton, Kyia Jones, Nancy Chomitz; back row: Melanie Hedlund,
Mary Wixted plus Bronwyn Murray-Bozeman as C-3PO, Reina Bass as R2-D2
Show 6, Noah Beit-Aharon as Darth Vader plus Stormtroopers
Show 6, Mirabel Winston as R2-D2, Sarah Schnebly as C-3PO, Nathaniel
Burket as Luke, plus Sandpeople
Show 6, Kathy Lindsay as Leia, Nathaniel Burket as Luke, Sarah
Schnebly as C-3PO, Mirabel Winston as R2-D2, Gabe Leibowitz as Obi-Wan
Show 6, Nathaniel Burket as Luke, Gabe Leibowitz as Obi-Wan, Phil
Budne as Han
Show 4, Ann Marie King as Jabba the Hutt, thugs: Mike Nakagawa,
Chris Colbath-Hess, Craig Burket, Cheryl O'Connor, plus Aliens
Show 4, Ian Morse as Chewbacca, Anna Lee Hirschi as Luke, Lonnie
Bass as Han
Show 6, Phil Budne as Han, Cheryl Moreau as Stormtrooper 15, Dan
Weinreb as Chewbacca, Nathaniel Burket as Luke, Kathy Lindsay as Leia
(with hair dryer!) plus Rebel prisoners
Show 6, Gabe Leibowitz as Obi-Wan, Noah Beit-Aharon as Darth Vader,
plus Stormtroopers
Show 6, Noah Beit-Aharon as Vader, Phil Budne as Han, Dan Weinreb as
Chewbacca, Mirabel Winston as R2-D2, Nathaniel Burket as Luke
Show 6, Julia Burket as Jabba, Sarah Schnebly as C-3PO, Phil Budne
as Han, Gabe Leibowitz as Obi-Wan, Kathy Lindsay as Leia, David Bass,
Nathaniel Burket as Luke, Noah Beit-Aharon as Vader, Dan Weinreb as
Chewbacca, Mirabel Winston as R2-D2, Rob Carney as Uncle Owen, plus chorus