The Puzzle Jigs

© 2007 Dave Cutler

by David Haines
Performances April 5, 6, 12, and 13, 2008
King Open School

© 2008 Jon Chomitz

The magical Puzzle World inhabitants - Doggie, Sky, and Tree Puzzle Jigs, a Piece Activist, The Sun, and many others - sing and dance an energetic lesson on the importance of accepting people's differences. When a little girl named Samphyre falls asleep and is transported into the Jigsaw Puzzle World inhabited by magical "Puzzle Jigs", the xenophobic pieces brand her a criminal and outcast! Not until the Puzzle Jigs venture into the Real World, where they find there's "no room for cardboard cutouts," do they learn the lesson "prejudice never is cool."

The Puzzle Jigs was composed in 1989 by British composer David Haines and has been adapted with a new libretto by A.J. Liuba and David Bass. David Bass, founder of the NCFOC, directs the all-volunteer cast of children and adults, with over 130 soloists and chorus members, amateur and professional, drawn from many Greater Boston communities. Assisting in this production are award-winning choreographer Deborah Mason, acclaimed set designer Peter Watson, Lighting Designer and Technical Director Dale Senechal, Dramatic Directors David Sandberg, Kathy Lindsay, and Phil Budne, and Producer Cheryl Moreau.

Performances of The Puzzle Jigs were on April 5th, 6th, 12th, and 13th, 2008 (3pm and 7pm on Saturdays, 1pm and 5pm on Sundays), at the King Open School, 850 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Find your friends' & relatives' Cast/performance dates.

Read the story and listen to recordings from our 2003 production of The Puzzle Jigs.

Presented with generous support from

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Cambridge Innocation Center       Genetic Services, Inc.